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re; do not let our princes accuse fortune for the loss of theirprincipalities after so many years' possession; but rather their oes they never thought there could be a change(it is a mon defect in man not to make any provision in the calmagainst the tempest); and when afterwards the bad times came theythought of flight and not of defending themselves; and they hoped thatthe people; disgusted with the insolence of the conquerors; would recallthem。 This course; when others fail; may be good; but it is very bad tohave neglected all other expedients for that; since you would never wishto fall because you trusted to be able to find someone later on torestore you。 This again either does not happen; or; if it does; it willnot be for your security; because that deliverance is of no avail whichdoes not depend upon yourself; those only are reliable; certain; anddurable that depend on yourself and your valour。CHAPTER XXVWHAT FORTUNE CAN EFFECT IN HUMAN AFFAIRS; AND HOW TO WITHSTAND HERIT is not unknown to me how many men have had; and still have; theopinion that the affairs of the world are in such wise governed byfortune and by God that men with their wisdom cannot direct them andthat no one can even help them; and because of this they would have usbelieve that it is not necessary to labour much in affairs; but to letchance govern them。 This opinion has been more credited in our timesbecause of the great changes in affairs which have been seen; and maystill be seen; every day; beyond all human conjecture。 Sometimespondering over this; I am in some degree inclined to their opinion。Nevertheless; not to extinguish our free will; I hold it to be true thatFortune is the arbiter of one…half of our actions; but that she stillleaves us to direct the other half; or perhaps a little less。I