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pare her to one of those raging rivers; which when in floodoverflows the plains; sweeping away trees and buildings; bearing awaythe soil from place to place; everything flies before it; all yield toits violence; without being able in any way to withstand it; and yet;though its nature be such; it does not follow therefore that men; whenthe weather bees fair; shall not make provision; both with defencesand barriers; in such a manner that; rising again; the waters may passaway by canal; and their force be neither so unrestrained nor sodangerous。 So it happens with fortune; who shows her power where valourhas not prepared to resist her; and thither she turns her forces whereshe knows that barriers and defences have not been raised to constrainher。And if you will consider Italy; which is the seat of these changes; andwhich has given to them their impulse; you will see it to be an opencountry without barriers and without any defence。 For if it had beendefended by proper valour; as are Germany; Spain; and France; eitherthis invasion would not have made the great changes it has made or itwould not have e at all。 And this I consider enough to say concerningresistance to fortune in general。But confining myself more to the particular; I say that a prince may beseen happy to…day and ruined to…morrow without having shown any changeof disposition or character。 This; I believe; arises firstly from causesthat have already been discussed at length; namely; that the prince whorelies entirely upon fortune is lost when it changes。 I believe alsothat he will be successful who directs his actions according to thespirit of the times; and that he whose actions do not accord with thetimes will not be successful。 Because men are seen; in affairs that leadto the end which every man has before hi