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ith this difference; that; whereasthe Jewish seers had denounced judgments and ruin on their country; itwas his mission to foretell a high and glorious destiny for thenewly gathered people of the Lord。 But; throughout it all; and throughthe whole discourse; there had been a certain deep; sad undertone ofpathos; which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the naturalregret of one soon to pass away。 Yes; their minister whom they soloved… and who so loved them all; that he could not departheavenward without a sigh… had the foreboding of untimely death uponhim; and would soon leave them in their tears! This idea of histransitory stay on earth gave the last emphasis to the effect whichthe preacher had produced; it was as if an angel; in his passage tothe skies; had shaken his bright wings over the people for an instant…at once a shadow and a splendour… and had shed down a shower of goldentruths upon them。 Thus; there had e to the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale… as to most men;in their various spheres; though seldom recognised until they see itfar behind them… an epoch of life more brilliant and full of triumphthan any previous one; or that any which could hereafter be。 He stood;at this moment; on the very proudest eminence of superiority; to whichthe gifts of intellect; rich lore; prevailing eloquence; and areputation of whitest sanctity; could exalt a clergyman in NewEngland's earliest days; when the professional character was of itselfa lofty pedestal。 Such was the position which the minister occupied;as he bowed his head forward on the cushions of the pulpit; at theclose of his Election Sermon。 Meanwhile Hester Prynne was standingbeside the scaffold of the pillory; with the scarlet letter stillburning on her breast! Now was heard again the clangour of the music; and the m