第40部分 (第4/7頁)
as on the swelling waves of the sea; at length cameto a pause。 There was a momentary silence; profound as what shouldfollow the utterance of oracles。 Then ensued a murmur andhalf…hushed tumult; as if the auditors; released from the high spellthat had transported them into the region of another's mind; werereturning into themselves; with all their awe and wonder still heavyon them。 In a moment more; the crowd began to gush forth from thedoors of the church。 Now that there was an end; they needed otherbreath; more fit to support the gross and earthly life into which theyrelapsed; than that atmosphere which the preacher had converted intowords of flame; and had burdened with the rich fragrance of histhought。 In the open air their rapture broke into speech。 The street andthe market…place absolutely babbled; from side to side; with applausesof the minister。 His hearers could not rest until they had told oneanother of what each knew better than he could tell or hear。 Accordingto their united testimony; never had man spoken in so wise; so high;and so holy a spirit; as he that spake this day; nor had inspirationever breathed through mortal lips more evidently than it did throughhis。 Its influence could be seen; as it were; descending upon him; andpossessing him; and continually lifting him out of the writtendiscourse that lay before him; and filling him with ideas that musthave been as marvellous to himself as to his audience。 His subject; itappeared; had been the relation between the Deity and themunities of mankind; with a special reference to the New Englandwhich they were here planting in the wilderness。 And; as he drewtowards the close; a spirit as of prophecy had e upon him;constraining him to its purpose as mightily as the old prophets ofIsrael were constrained; only w