第40部分 (第6/7頁)
easuredtramp of the military escort; issuing from the church…door。 Theprocession was to be marshalled thence to the town…hall; plete the ceremonies of the day。 Once more; therefore; the train of venerable and majestic fatherswas seen moving through a broad pathway of the people; who drew backreverently; on either side; as the Governor and magistrates; the oldand wise men; the holy ministers; and all that were eminent andrenowned; advanced into the midst of them。 When they were fairly inthe market…place; their presence was greeted by a shout。 This…though doubtless it might acquire additional force and volume from thechild… like loyalty which the age awarded to its rulers… was felt tobe an irrepressible outburst of enthusiasm kindled in the auditorsby that high strain of eloquence which was yet reverberating intheir ears。 Each felt the impulse in himself; and; in the same breath;caught it from his neighbour。 Within the church; it had hardly beenkept down; beneath the sky; it pealed upward to the zenith。 There werehuman beings enough; and enough of highly wrought and symphoniousfeeling; to produce that more impressive sound than the organ tones ofthe blast; or the thunder; or the roar of the sea; even that mightyswell of many voices; blended into one great voice by the universalimpulse which makes likewise one vast heart out of the many。 Never;from the soil of New England; had gone up such a shout! Never; onNew England soil; had stood the man so honoured by his mortal brethrenas the preacher! How fared it with him then? Were there not the brilliant particlesof a halo in the air about his head! So etherealised by spirit as hewas; and so apotheosised by worshipping admirers; did his footsteps;in the procession; really tread upon the dust of earth? As the ranks of military