dership camp hosted by a college in Michigan。 I was already highly involved in most campus activities; and I jumped at the opportunity。
About an hour into the first day of camp; amid the frenzy of icebreakers and forced interactions; I first noticed the boy under the tree。 He was small and skinny; and his obvious disfort and shyness made him appear frail and fragile。 Only fifty feet away; two hundred eager campers were bumping bodies; playing; joking and meeting each other; but the boy under the tree seemed to want to be anywhere other than where he was。 The desperate loneliness he radiated almost stopped me from approaching him; but I remembered the instructions from the senior staff to stay alert for campers who might feel left out。
As I walked toward him; I said;“Hi; my name is Kevin; and I’m one of the counselors。 It’s nice to meet you。 How are you?” In a shaky; sheepish voice he reluctantly answered; “Okay; I guess。” I calmly asked him if he wanted to join the activities and meet some new people。 He quietly replied; “No; this is not really my thing。”
I could sense that he was in a new world; that this whole experience was foreign to him。 But I somehow knew it wouldn’t be right to push him; either。 He didn’t need a pep talk; he needed a friend。 After several silent moments; my first interaction with the boy under the tree was over。
At lunch the next day; I found myself leading camp songs at the top of my lungs for two hundred of my new friends。 The campers eagerly participated。 My gaze wandered over the mass of noise and movement and was caught by the image of the boy from under the tree; sitting alone; staring out the window。 I nearly forgot the words to the song I was supposed to be leading。 At my first opportunity; I tried again; with