the same questions as before; “How are you doing? Are you okay?” To which he again replied; “Yeah; I’m all right。 I just don’t really get into this stuff。” As I left the cafeteria; I realized this was going to take more time and effort than I had thought—if it was even possible to get through to him at all。
That evening at our nightly staff meeting; I made my concerns about him known。 I explained to my fellow staff members my impression of him and asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him when they could。
The days I spend at camp each year fly by faster than any others I have known。 Thus; before I knew it; mid…week had dissolved into the final night of camp; and I was chaperoning the“last dance。” The students were doing all they could to savor every last moment with their new “best friends”—friends they would probably never see again。
As I watched the campers share their parting moments; I suddenly saw what would be one of the most vivid memories of my life。 The boy from under the tree; who had stared blankly out the kitchen window; was now a shirtless dancing wonder。 He owned the dance floor as he and two girls proceeded to cut a rug。 I watched as he shared meaningful; intimate time with people at whom he couldn’t even look just days earlier。 I couldn’t believe it was the same person。
In October of my sophomore year; a late…night phone call pulled me away from my chemistry book。 A soft…spoken; unfamiliar voice asked politely; “Is Kevin there?”
“You’re talking to him; who’s this?”
“This is Tom Johnson’s mom。 Do you remember Tommy from leadership camp?”
The boy under the tree。 How could I not remember?
“Yes; I do;” I said。 “He’s a very nice young man。 How is he?”
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