第12部分 (第6/7頁)
not believe that it can be accepted as a precept forto…day; because I do not believe that factions can ever be of use;rather it is certain that when the enemy es upon you in dividedcities you are quickly lost; because the weakest party will alwaysassist the outside forces and the other will not be able to resist。 TheVeians; moved; as I believe; by the above reasons; fostered theGuelph and Ghibelline factions in their tributary cities; and althoughthey never allowed them to e to bloodshed; yet they nursed thesedisputes amongst them; so that the citizens; distracted by theirdifferences; should not unite against them。 Which; as we saw; did notafterwards turn out as expected; because; after the rout at Vaila; oneparty at once took courage and seized the state。 Such methods argue;therefore; weakness in the prince; because these factions will never bepermitted in a vigorous principality; such methods for enabling one themore easily to manage subjects are only useful in times of peace; but ifwar es this policy proves fallacious。4。 Without doubt princes bee great when they overe thedifficulties and obstacles by which they are confronted; and thereforefortune; especially when she desires to make a new prince great; who hasa greater necessity to earn renown than an hereditary one; causesenemies to arise and form designs against him; in order that he may havethe opportunity of overing them; and by them to mount higher; as by aladder which his enemies have raised。 For this reason many consider thata wise prince; when he has the opportunity; ought with craft to fostersome animosity against himself; so that; having crushed it; his renownmay rise higher。5。 Princes; especially new ones; have found more fidelity and assistancein those men who in the beginning of their rule were distrus