第12部分 (第4/7頁)
hoever willconsider it will acknowledge that either hatred or contempt has beenfatal to the above…named emperors; and it will be recognized also how ithappened that; a number of them acting in one way and a number inanother; only one in each way came to a happy end and the rest tounhappy ones。 Because it would have been useless and dangerous forPertinax and Alexander; being new princes; to imitate Marcus; who washeir to the principality; and likewise it would have been utterlydestructive to Caracalla; modus; and Maximinus to have imitatedSeverus; they not having sufficient valour to enable them to tread inhis footsteps。 Therefore a prince; new to the principality; cannotimitate the actions of Marcus; nor; again; is it necessary to followthose of Severus; but he ought to take from Severus those parts whichare necessary to found his state; and from Marcus those which are properand glorious to keep a state that may already be stable and firm。CHAPTER XXARE FORTRESSES; AND MANY OTHER THINGS TO WHICH PRINCES OFTEN RESORT;ADVANTAGEOUS OR HURTFUL?1。 SOME princes; so as to hold securely the state; have disarmed theirsubjects; others have kept their subject towns by factions; others havefostered enmities against themselves; others have laid themselves out togain over those whom they distrusted in the beginning of theirgovernments; some have built fortresses; some have overthrown anddestroyed them。 And although one cannot give a final judgment on all oneof these things unless one possesses the particulars of those states inwhich a decision has to be made; nevertheless I will speak asprehensively as the matter of itself will admit。2。 There never was a new prince who has disarmed his subjects; ratherwhen he has found them disarmed he has always armed them; because; byarming them; th