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seen in Brittany; Burgundy; Gascony; andNormandy; which have been bound to France for so long a time: and;although there may be some difference in language; nevertheless thecustoms are alike; and the people will easily be able to get on amongstthemselves。 He who has annexed them; if he wishes to hold them; has onlyto bear in mind two considerations: the one; that the family of theirformer lord is extinguished; the other; that neither their laws northeir taxes are altered; so that in a very short time they will beeentirely one body with the old principality。But when states are acquired in a country differing in language;customs; or laws; there are difficulties; and good fortune and greatenergy are needed to hold them; and one of the greatest and most realhelps would be that he should go and reside there。This would make his position more secure and durable; as it has madethat of the Turk in Greece; who; notwithstanding all the other measurestaken by him for holding that state; if he had not settled there; wouldnot have been able to keep it。 Because; if one is on the spot; disordersare seen as they spring up; and one can quickly remedy them; but if oneis not at hand; they heard of only when they are one can no longerremedy them。 Besides this; the country is not pillaged by yourofficials; the subjects are satisfied by prompt recourse to the prince;thus; wishing to be good; they have more cause to love him; and wishingto be otherwise; to fear him。 He who would attack that state from theoutside must have the utmost caution; as long as the prince residesthere it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty。The other and better course is to send colonies to one or two places;which may be as keys to that state; for it necessary either to do thisor else to keep the