kept smoking。 “We can head back after this pipe;” he said。
But Chen was still on a hunting high。 “Aren’t we going to take a look on the other side?” he asked anxiously。 “I’d like to see how many gazelles the wolves trapped。”
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狼圖騰(英文版) 2(12)
“That’s too dangerous。 Anyway; I know without looking。 There will be hundreds of them。 Outside of the young animals; plus the thin ones and the lucky ones that can somehow make it out of the snowdrift; the rest are all fated to go to Tengger。 You needn’t worry。 This pack of wolves won’t be able to eat all their kills; and even after our group goes out and brings back all we can; there’ll still be plenty left out there。”
“The young animals; and the thin ones; how do they manage to get away?”
The old man’s eyes crinkled in a smile as he said; “Young animals are thin; which makes their bodies light; so they don’t go deep into the snow。 They can usually find a way out; and the wolves won’t go after them。” He beamed。 “My boy; today you’ve witnessed the virtues of wolves。 Not only do they watch and preserve the grassland; but they’ve delivered New Year’s gifts to us。 Thanks to them; it’s going to be a good year。 There’s a grassland rule here that the spoils of a hunt belong to whoever sees them first。 Since you and I are the witnesses; we’ll make sure your yurt gets a bit extra。 We Mongols place much importance on repaying debts of gratitude。 In the future; don’t waste your time talking about the wolf hunt with other Chinese or outsiders。”
Chen Zhen could barely contain his excitement; he was impatient to fill a wagon with gazelle carcasses and take them back to the yurt。 “In the two years I’ve been here;” he said; “the wolves have caused me nothing but trouble。 I never expected t