the dam to release floodwaters。 As soon as the gazelles that had maintained their running speed and kept their horns out in front had passed through the open dam; he led his troops in closing the breach。 Now the encirclement con—tained only gazelles that could not run fast; had no weapons; and were not very smart。 A ragtag pack of them; now that their leaders and more powerful males were outside the circle; terrified to face the charging wolves; ran up the slope and then down into the deep snowdrifts。 Chen knew at once how the pursued animals—with their pointed hooves; thick legs; and bellies filled with grass—would end up。
Both gazelles and wolves disappeared where the mountain met the horizon。 As a thousand gazelles ran for their lives; the blood… soaked encirclement area went quiet。 Seven or eight carcasses lay on the grassy slope; other injured members of the herd struggled weakly。 No more than ten minutes had passed from the moment the attack was launched until the battle was over。 It seemed to Chen that he had held his breath the whole time; his heart was racing。
The old man stood up and stretched; then sat cross…legged in the tall grass on the edge of the snow cave; where he took a pipe with a jade mouthpiece out of his felt boot。 He filled it with tobacco; lit it; and; covering the opening with a lid made of an old silver coin; inhaled a mouthful of smoke。
Chen knew that as a young man; Bilgee had given a Han Chinese trader from Zhangjiakou twenty fox pelts for this pipe; the students considered it a bad deal; but the pipe was one of the old man’s prized possessions; and he had sympathized with the trader; who’d had to travel all the way to Mongolia to do business; risking death at the hands of highwaymen along the way。
The old man