OPERATOR; Call Center; India: Good evening。 My name is Tracy。 How can I help you?
NARRATOR: In a remote Indian village; farmers took their crop to market as they had for generations; But an Internet connection ensured they were now paid the world price for their crop; a price set at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 8;000 miles away。
This borderless world created a new kind of businessperson。 Entrepreneurs could now think like multinationals; and see the entire world as a single market。 Narayana Murthy understood this revolution earlier than most。
無國界現象創造出了新型的商務人員,現在企業家能和跨國公司一樣思考問題,將整個世界看作單一的市場。Narayana Murthy最先意識到了這場變革。
NARAYANA MURTHY; Founder and CEO of Infosys Technology: We were all children of a different generation。 We were all mesmerized by the charisma of Nehru。 Nehru believed in central planning; Nehru believed in socialism。 But then I realized that if you want to eradicate poverty; you don't do it by redistribution of existing wealth; you have to create more wealth。 And that's when I got somewhat disillusioned by the socialism as is practiced in India。
NARAYANA MURTHY,Infosys Technology公司的創始人和執行長:我們都是完全不同與我們的那一代人的孩子。我們相信集中計劃體系和社會主義的尼赫魯所催眠。但是,我意識到如果你想要根除貧困,靠重新分配現有財富是行不通的,你必須要創造更多的財富,我意識到這一點的時候正是我對印度實行的社會主義制度喪失幻想的時候。
NARRATOR: With only 250; Murthy helped found a puter software pany。 His headquarters in Bangalore became the world's second largest software campus。 Only Microsoft's was bigger。
Thirty percent of the world's software engineers are from India。