an the house ;all make a round yard 。from left to right;it’s the same 。the symbol of the round –yard is solidification and hold –together 。unlike the steel…cement building ;where everyone is a stranger even the next room neighbor 。
Five hundred steps ;every street is paved with slab of shine stone ;
The old black pole tilted to one side;this is my memory of the old street and it’s original look 。
Every day I went to school through the old street ;and it’s just like that I went into the ancient while when I return ;it’s like went back to modern now 。this was very pleasant at that time
回 家Go back home
Go back home !是的;回家確實是令人嚮往的一件事;所有的同學都回家了;只剩下我一個;孤獨的呆在寢室。不知道現在的心情為什麼這麼差;回家;只有這一個戀頭;但回家的感覺是怎樣的呢?我不想回家;一個人在家確實太寂寞;在學校至少還有圖書館可以去;家裡人去樓空;一個人在那麼空的房子裡住;我不敢想象。
True ;that going home is a fabulous thing 。all the students had gone home ;leaving me alone in the dorm; I just can’t understand why I were so down 。go back home ;I had the only one ideal ;but how’s the feeling of back home? I didn’t want to go home because of the loneliness at home 。at least at school I can went to the library ;while I just stayed in the large empty building solitary ;oh ;I just can’t imagine it 。
突然想起了那一次回家的時候;感覺不是這樣的。記得當時很激動;從沉重的學習中解脫;大家都歡呼著;go back home !我也沉浸在這樣的氛圍中。
Immediately ;a scene of going home occur to mind that it was really a release from school and a pleasure。 I remember at that moment ;all of us were very excited ;cheering “ go back home !” I was then immense into the circumstance 。I felt