a fantasy because of the pressure of college entrance test 。
Junior high students became my friends in senior high school ;and senior high school students became my buddies when we are in the same university ;this is my forever feeling of remember the old days 。
Recall of my hometown
Siyuan square
That’s my happy time in my senior high school 。
That’s a Saturday evening ;we haven’t class ;so we went to relax in siyuan square 。there were a sea of people when we got there at 7 。but the fountain would be opened at 9;so the spectator would wait with patience 。some were walking along the steps ;while others sat by the side of fountain ;watching the worker preparing the starting work 。
All of sudden the storm sound hit our ears ;all the spectators ran to it ;so did we awake from the deep thought of the view 。
多麼壯觀啊,多麼雄奇阿,我心靈都為之震撼,。每一注水柱至少有5米高,最高的可有20米在燈光的渲染下,每注水柱都閃爍著耀眼的光輝。配之以音樂“哦,青藏高原“等其他節奏感很強的歌曲,水柱便升的很高,唱道“有一位老人在南海邊畫了一個圈“的時候,水柱也在中空畫了一個圈。在音樂柔和時,中間的水柱向兩邊打然,後又再收攏。中間的似一朵開放的花,又似仙女在其中揮手。當唱道“哦,青藏高原“的時候,突然兩邊的水柱迫使中間的水柱直衝天際,達到20 多米。音漸低,水柱邊降下來,水霧行後慢慢飄下來…… 讓我們感到在天堂一般。
How spectacular and manifold it was !we were stricken in our heart 。each water pole was at least 5 meters high ;the highest was 20 ; the water shining in light bath ; and it’s attached with the music ;when the music was in pitch ;the water was sent high ;when the music content were “there was an old man rowed a circle by the southern sea “and the water circle in the air 。when