










&esp;&esp;管鋅抬手指了一本,既不是顧城也不是鄭愁予,是walt whitan的《leaves of grass》(沃爾特·惠特曼的《草葉集》 ,全詩主要謳歌自由和民主,倡導人類平等,讚美人生,靖嶽買的這一本是後期出版的,載錄了四百多首,事實上他從未讀完過。



&esp;&esp;“once upon a idnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary,over any a at and curio vo of fotten lore,while i nodded, nearly nappg, suddenly there ca a tappg”

&esp;&esp;“as of one ntly rappg, rappg at y chaber door—‘tis visitor,’ i uttered, ‘tappg at y chaber door—only this and nothg ore’”

&esp;&esp;(從前一個陰鬱的子夜,我獨自沉思,慵懶疲竭,沉思許多古怪而離奇、早已被人遺忘的傳聞——當我開始打盹,幾乎入睡,突然傳來一陣輕擂, 彷彿有人在輕輕叩擊,輕輕叩擊我的房門—— “有人來了,”我輕聲嘟喃,“正在叩擊我的房門,唯此而已,別無他般。” )

&esp;&esp;和在課堂上出了名的嚴厲相反,給管鋅唸詩的時候和風細雨的。管鋅反過身來,面對著靖嶽的腹部,聞他身上的t恤的味道,雙手鬆鬆緊緊地抱。他知道《leaves of grass》還在書架上,也知道靖嶽唸的是edgar aln poe的《the raven》(埃德加·愛倫·坡的《烏鴉》)。


&esp;&esp;then, thought, the air grew denser, perfud fro an unseen censer,swung by seraphi whose foot-falls tkled on the tufted floor

&esp;&esp;&ot;wretch,&ot; i cried, &ot;thy god hath lent thee—by these anls he hath sent thee,respite—respite andnepenthe, fro thy ories of lenore; aff, oh aff this kd nepenthe and fet this lost lenore!&ot;

&esp;&esp;oth the raven &ot;neverore&ot;


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