第6部分 (第1/4頁)
2。a。m。and the rain is falling
here we are at the crossroads once again
you’re telling me you’re so confused
you can't make up your mind
is this meant to be
you're asking me
but only love can say try again or walk away
but i believe for you and me
the sun will shine one day
so I’ll just play my part
and pray you’ll have a change of heart 。
but i can’t make you see it through
that’s something only love can do
in you arms as the dawn is breaking
face to face and a thousand miles apart
I’ve tried my best to make you see
there’s hope beyond the pain
if we give enough … if we learn to trust
but only love can say … try again or walk away
but i believe for you and me
the sun will shine one day
so I’ll just play my part
and pray you’ll have a change of heart
but i can’t make you see it through
that’s something only love can do
i know if I could find the words
to touch you deep inside
you’d give our dream just one more change
don’t let this be our last goodbye
茜湖的心好像在經歷三溫暖一樣,最後在閣樓,那個他們一起看星星的閣樓上找到了亞斯,那裡是他們最喜歡的地方,也是他們在心情不好的時候最常呆的地方,那裡有他們全部的回憶???????? ??? ???
冠希回到趙家之後,簡單的問了問冠麗最近的情況就上樓休息了,一夕之間冠麗比以前更加成熟了,原來她這才知道那個讓她哥多變表情的“罪魁禍首”——茜湖,知道他們之間的事之後冠麗體貼的不去發問,讓冠希有可以自行消化的時間,但是卻不放心,怕自己的哥哥會??? ???想不開,外表看似什麼事都無所謂的趙冠希,其實心裡脆弱的很,當然這隻有冠麗知道,於是給天瑜撥通手機,(冠希給天瑜買的)體貼的請她來趙家小住幾天,一是為了培養感情,二是希望冠希走出這段過去。