第76部分 (第4/7頁)
the side of his eyes; enjoying the
dilemma of the two women。
〃I'm sure I'm sorry if he behaved badly;〃 said the woman。
〃But I can't think he deserved beating as he has been。 I can't
send him to school; and really can't afford to pay the
doctor。……Is it allowed for the teachers to beat the
children like that; Mr。 Harby?〃
The headmaster refused to answer。 Ursula loathed herself; and
loathed Mr。 Harby with his twinkling cunning and malice on the
occasion。 The other miserable woman watched her chance。
〃It is an expense to me; and I have a great struggle to keep
my boy decent。〃
Ursula still would not answer。 She looked out at the asphalt
yard; where a dirty rag of paper was blowing。
〃And it isn't allowed to beat a child like that; I am sure;
especially when he is delicate。〃
Ursula stared with a set face on the yard; as if she did not
hear。 She loathed all this; and had ceased to feel or to
〃Though I know he is troublesome sometimes……but I think
it was too much。 His body is covered with marks。〃
Mr。 Harby stood sturdy and unmoved; waiting now to have done;
with the twinkling; tiny wrinkles of an ironical smile at the
corners of his eyes。 He felt himself master of the
〃And he was violently sick。 I couldn't possibly send him to
school to…day。 He couldn't keep his head up。〃
Yet she had no answer。
〃You will understand; sir; why he is absent;〃 she said;
turning to Mr。 Harby。
〃Oh; yes;〃 he said; rough and off…hand。 Ursula detested him
for his male triumph。 And she loathed the woman。 She loathed
〃You will try to have it remembe