espect to the surroundings; the position of this device could be changed by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or the outer walls。 至於環境,該裝置可以透過旋轉內部鳥籠和外牆來改變位置。
3。 In winter the heat produced by a city can equal or surpass the amount of heat available from the Sun and all the heat that warms a building eventually transfers to the surrounding air。 冬天,城市產生的熱量可以達到或超過太陽可以提供的熱量,而且所有用來供暖的熱量最後都會轉移到周圍的空氣中。
要點 surrounding一詞由surround“環境”變化而來,通常指的是周遭環境,要注意與environment區別,後者多指“自然環境”。