l grounding can create oil slicks at sea。 被稱作油輪的運輸大量石油的貨船因碰撞或意外擱淺造成的洩漏可能會導致水面浮油的出現。
3。 pared with the galley; a wider and deeper hull could carry more cargo; because the increased stability made it possible to add multiple masts and sails。 與大帆船相比,一艘又大又深的船能運載更多貨物,因為穩定性的增加使這樣的船可以加上多個桅杆和船帆。
同義 freight(n。 貨物)
catalog['k?t?l?:g]n。 目錄;系列 v。 登記;編目錄
例句 1。 His catalogs of rock strata indicated that the sequences of rocks are different from place to place and from region to region。 他對岩層的分類表明岩石的層序因地點和地區的不同而有所不同。
2。 There had been a hope that these could somehow be used to calculate geological time ever since people had begun to catalog the layer of particular rock outcrops。