。 看得見的;明顯的
例句 1。 When an animal is signaling; the colors would not be very visible if it was sitting in a place with a yellowish or greenish background。 當動物發出訊號時,如果它所在的地方有著黃色或綠色的背景,那麼它的顏色將無法被明顯地看見。
2。 Despite all the highly visible technological developments in theatrical and home delivery of the moving image that have occurred over the decades since then; there is no innovation that can be regarded as a similar kind of turning point。 儘管高度視覺化技術在戲劇和家用動態影像呈現方面的發展已超過數十年之久,依然沒有一項類似的創新可以被看做是與之匹敵的轉折點。
3。 Although the real Sun was visible; the birds also kept a constant direction when they moved across the sky。 即使可以看到真正的太陽,但當鳥兒飛翔時,仍然會保持一個方向。
同義 observable; noticeable(a。 明顯的)
warn[w?:rn]v。 警告,告誡;通知
例句 A number of writers have warned that the assumption of such a sequence — a development from the simple and the geometric to the plex and naturalistic — obscures the cultural continuities in aboriginal Australia。 很多作家告誡,這樣的假設——從簡單和呈幾何特徵的,到複雜和自然的——模糊了澳大利亞土著文化的連續性。
wheat[wi:t]n。 小麥;樸實的人
例句 This region has a semiarid climate; and for 50 years; it only supported a low…intensity agricultural economy of cattle ranching and wheat farming。 這個地區是半乾旱氣候,50年來僅支援小規模的農業經濟——放牧業和小麥種植。
absence['?bs?ns]n。 缺席;缺乏
例句 Sometimes; the presence or absence of interest when learning a new thing is affected by the teacher's method of teaching。 有時,是否有興趣學習一項新事物會受到老師教學方法的影響。
同義 lack(n。 缺乏)
要點 absence通常表示“缺席”,但是在託福閱讀中,經常會考到“缺少,缺乏”這一含義,比如absence of evidence“缺少證據”。
absent['?bs?nt]a。 不在場的;不存在的;心不在焉的
例句 1。 The rainfall is not totally absent in desert areas; it is just very unstable。沙漠地區並不是完全沒有降水,只是不穩定而已。
2。 Even though environmental cues are absent; animals still have internal clocks that influence th