第32部分 (第1/7頁)
a good deal of father's wine left; a bottle of sparkling Moselle; perhaps。〃
〃Oh no; Miss Viner; that is really not necessary。〃
〃Nonsense; my child。 No gentleman is happy unless he drinks something with his meal。 There is some good pre…war whisky if you think he would prefer that。 Now do as I say and don't argue。 The key of the wine…cellar is in the third drawer down in the dressing…table; in the second pair of stockings on the left…hand side。〃
Katherine went obediently to the spot indicated。
〃The second pair; now mind;〃 said Miss Viner。 〃The first pair has my diamond earrings and my filigree brooch in it。〃
〃Oh;〃 said Katherine; rather taken aback; 〃wouldn't you like them put in your jewel…case?〃
Miss Viner gave vent to a terrific and prolonged snort。
〃No; indeed! I have much too much sense for that sort of thing; thank you。 Dear; dear; I well remember how my poor father had a safe built in downstairs。 Pleased as Punch he was with it; and he said to my mother; 'Now; Mary; you bring me your jewels in their case every night and I will lock them away for you。' My mother was a very tactful woman; and she knew that gentlemen like having their own way; and she brought him the jewel…case locked up just as he said。
〃And one night burglars broke in; and of course … naturally … the first thing they went for was the safe! It would be; with my father talking up and down the village and bragging about it until you might have thought he kept all King Solomon's diamonds there。 They made a clean sweep; got the tankards; the silver cups; and the presentation gold plate that my father had had presented to him; and the jewel…case。〃
She sighed reminiscently。 〃My father was in a great state over my mother's jewels。 There was