drawing…room and boudoir; vases of exotics bloomed on all sides。
Afternoon arrived: Mrs。 Fairfax assumed her best black satin gown; her gloves; and her gold watch; for it was her part to receive the pany;—to conduct the ladies to their rooms; &c。 Adèle; too; would be dressed: though I thought she had little chance of being introduced to the party that day at least。 However; to please her; I allowed Sophie to apparel her in one of her short; full muslin frocks。 For myself; I had no need to make any change; I should not be called upon to quit my sanctum of the schoolroom; for a sanctum it was now bee to me;—“a very pleasant refuge in time of trouble。”
It had been a mild; serene spring day—one of those days which; towards the end of March or the beginning of April; rise shining over the earth as heralds of summer。 It was drawing to an end now; but the evening was even warm; and I sat at work in the schoolroom with the window open。
“It gets late;” said Mrs。 Fairfax; entering in rustling state。 “I am glad I ordered dinner an hour after the time Mr。 Rochester mentioned; for it is past six now。 I have sent John down to the gates to see if there is anything on the road: one can see a long way from thence in the direction of Millcote。” She went to the window。 “Here he is!” said she。 “Well; John” (leaning out); “any news?”
“They’re ing; ma’am;” was the answer。 “They’ll be here in ten minutes。”
Adèle flew to the window。 I followed; taking care to stand on one side; so that; screened by the curtain; I could see without being seen。
The ten minutes John had given seemed very long; but at last wheels were heard; four equestrians galloped up the drive; and after them came two open carriages。 Fluttering veils and waving plumes filled the veh
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