第7部分 (第2/7頁)
nd by reason of theentry of the French; he brought about all those things which I havediscussed above in the actions of the duke。 And although his intentionwas not to aggrandize the Church; but the duke; nevertheless; what hedid contributed to the greatness of the Church; which; after his deathand the ruin of the duke; became the heir to all his labours。Pope Julius came afterwards and found the Church strong; possessing allthe Romagna; the barons of Rome reduced to impotence; and; through thechastisements Alexander; the factions wiped out; he also found the wayopen to accumulate money in a manner such as had never been practisedbefore Alexander's time。 Such things Julius not only followed; butimproved upon; and he intended to gain Bologna; to ruin the Veians;and to drive the French out of Italy。 All of these enterprises prosperedwith him; and so much the more to his credit; inasmuch as he dideverything to strengthen the Church and not any private person。 He keptalso the Orsini and Colonna factions within the bounds in which he foundthem; and although there was among them some mind to make disturbance;nevertheless he held two things firm: the one; the greatness of thechurch; with which he terrified them; and the other; not allowing themto have their own cardinals; who caused the disorders among them。 Forwhenever these factions have their cardinals they do not remain quietfor long; because cardinals foster the factions in Rome and out of it;and the barons are pelled to support them; and thus from theambitions of prelates arise disorders and tumults among the barons。 Forthese reasons his Holiness Pope Leo found the pontificate most powerful;and it is to be hoped that; if others made it great in arms; he willmake it still greater and more venerated by his goodness and infin