第8部分 (第3/7頁)
d betteropportunities are needed to injure you; they are not all of onemunity; they are found and paid by you; and a third party; which youhave made their head; is not able all at once to assume enough authorityto injure you。 In conclusion; in mercenaries dastardy is most dangerous;in auxiliaries; valour。 The wise prince; therefore; has always avoidedthese arms and turned to his own; and has been willing rather to losewith them than to conquer with others; not deeming that a real victorywhich is gained with the arms of others。I shall never hesitate to cite Cesare Borgia and his actions。 This dukeentered the Romagna with auxiliaries; taking there only French soldiers;and with them he captured Imola and Forli; but afterwards; such forcesnot appearing to him reliable; he turned to mercenaries; discerning lessdanger in them; and enlisted the Orsini and Vitelli; whom presently; onhandling and finding them doubtful; unfaithful; and dangerous; hedestroyed and turned to his own men。 And the difference between one andthe other of these forces can easily be seen when one considers thedifference there was in the reputation of the duke; when he had theFrench; when he had the Orsini and Vitelli; and when he relied on hisown soldiers; on whose fidelity he could always count and found it everincreasing; he was never esteemed more highly than when every one sawthat he was plete master of his own forces。I was not intending to go beyond Italian and recent examples; but I amunwilling to leave out Hiero; the Syracusan; he being one of those Ihave named above。 This man; as I have said; made head of the army by theSyracusans; soon found out that a mercenary soldiery; constituted likeour Italian condottieri; was of no use; and it appearing to him that hecould neither keep them nor let them go