第14部分 (第2/7頁)
fwhom courts arc full; because men are so self…placent in their ownaffairs; and in a way so deceived in them; that they are preserved withdifficulty from this pest; and if they wish to defend themselves theyrun the danger of falling into contempt。 Because there is no other wayof guarding oneself from flatterers except letting men understand thatto tell you the truth does not offend you; but when every one may tellyou the truth; respect for you abates。Therefore a wise prince ought to hold a third course by choosing thewise men in his state; and giving to them only the liberty of speakingthe truth to him; and then only of those things of which he inquires;and of none others; but he ought to question them upon everything; andlisten to their opinions; and afterwards form his own conclusions。 Withthese councillors; separately and collectively; he ought to carryhimself in such a way that each of them should know that; the morefreely he shall speak; the more he shall be preferred; outside of these;he should listen to no one; pursue the thing resolved on; and besteadfast in his resolutions。 He who does otherwise is either overthrownby flatterers; or is so often changed by varying opinions that he fallsinto contempt。I wish on this subject to adduce a modern example。 Fra Luca; the man ofaffairs to Maximilian; the present emperor; speaking of his majesty;said: He consulted with no one; yet never got his own way in anything。This arose because of his following a practice the opposite to theabove; for the emperor is a secretive man …… he does not municate hisdesigns to any one; nor does he receive opinions on them。 But as incarrying them into effect they bee revealed and known; they are atonce obstructed by those men whom he has around him; and he; beingpliant; is diverted from them。