第13部分 (第4/7頁)
ich would be much spoken about。 And aprince ought; above all things; always to endeavour in every action togain for himself the reputation of being a great and remarkable man。A prince is also respected when he is either a true friend or adownright enemy; that to say; when; without any reservation; he declareshimself in favour of one party against the other; which course willalways be more advantageous than standing neutral; because if two ofyour powerful neighbours e to blows; they are of such a characterthat; if one of them conquers; you have either to fear him or not。 Ineither case it will always be more advantageous for you to declareyourself and to make war strenuously; because; in the first case; if youdo not declare yourself; you will invariably fall a prey to theconqueror; to the pleasure and satisfaction of him who has beenconquered; and you will have no reasons to offer; nor anything toprotect or to shelter you。 Because he who conquers does not wantdoubtful friends who will not aid him in the time of trial; and he wholoses will not harbour you because you did not willingly; sword in hand;court his fate。Antiochus went into Greece; being sent for by the Aetolians to drive outthe Romans。 He sent envoys to the Achaeans; who were friends of theRomans; exhorting them to remain neutral; and on the other hand theRomans urged them to take up arms。 This question came to be discussed inthe council of the Achaeans; where the legate of Antiochus urged them tostand neutral。 To this the Roman legate answered: 〃As for that which hasbeen said; that it is better and more advantageous for your state not tointerfere in our war; nothing can be more erroneous; because by notinterfering you will be left; without favour or consideration; theguerdon of the conqueror。〃 Thus it will alwa