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him; so that; adding to all these things the populargoodwill; it is impossible that any one should be so rash as toconspire。 For whereas in general the conspirator has to fear before theexecution of his plot; in this case he has also to fear the sequel tothe crime; because on account of it he has the people for an enemy; andthus cannot hope for any escape。Endless examples could be given on this subject; but I will be contentwith one; brought to pass within the memory of our fathers。 MesserAnnibale Bentivoglio; who was prince in Bologna (grandfather of thepresent Annibale); having been murdered by the Canneschi; who hadconspired against him; not one of his family survived but MesserGiovanni; who was in childhood: immediately after his assassination thepeople rose and murdered all the Canneschi。 This sprung from the populargoodwill which the house of Bentivoglio enjoyed in those days inBologna; which was so great that; although none remained there after thedeath of Annibale who were able to rule the state; the Bolognese; havinginformation that there was one of the Bentivoglio family in Florence;who up to that time had been considered the son of a blacksmith; sent toFlorence for him and gave him the government of their city; and it wasruled by him until Messer Giovanni came in due course to the government。For this reason I consider that a prince ought to reckon conspiracies oflittle account when his people hold him in esteem; but when it ishostile to him; and bears hatred towards him; he ought to feareverything and everybody。 And well…ordered states and wise princes havetaken every care not to drive the nobles to desperation; and to keep thepeople satisfied and contented; for this is one of the most importantobjects a prince can have。Among the best ordered and governed ki