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humble the Veians; found itimpossible to refuse him soldiers without manifestly offending him。Therefore Julius with his impetuous action acplished what no otherpontiff with simple human wisdom could have done; for if he had waitedin Rome until he could get away; with his plans arranged and everythingfixed; as any other pontiff would have done; he would never havesucceeded。 Because the King of France would have made a thousandexcuses; and the others would have raised a thousand fears。I will leave his other actions alone; as they were all alike; and theyall succeeded; for the shortness of his life did not let him experiencethe contrary; but if circumstances had arisen to gocautiously; his ruin would have followed; because he would never havedeviated from those ways to which nature inclined him。I conclude therefore that; fortune being changeful and mankind steadfastin their ways; so long as the two are in agreement men are successful;but unsuccessful when they fall out。 For my part I consider that it isbetter to be adventurous than cautious; because fortune is a woman; andif you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill…use her;and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurousrather than by those who go to work more coldly。 She is; therefore;always; woman…like; a lover of young men; because they are lesscautious; more violent; and with more audacity mand her。CHAPTER XXVIAN EXHORTATION TO LIBERATE ITALY FROM THE BARBARIANSHAVING carefully considered the subject of the above discourses; andwondering within myself whether the present times were propitious to anew prince; and whether there were the elements that would give anopportunity to a wise and virtuous one to introduce a new order ofthings which would do honour to him and good to th