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Vitelli; that; being trained under hisdiscipline; he might attain some high position in the militaryprofession。 After Paolo died; he fought under his brother Vitellozzo;and in a very short time; being endowed with wit and a vigorous body andmind; he became the first man in his profession。 But it appearing to hima paltry thing to serve under others; he resolved; with the aid of somecitizens of Fermo; to whom the slavery of their country was dearer thanits liberty; and with the help of the Vitelli; to seize Fermo。 So hewrote to Giovanni Fogliani that; having been away from home for manyyears; he wished to visit him and his city; and in some measure to lookinto his patrimony; and although he had not laboured to acquire anythingexcept honour; yet; in order that the citizens should see he had notspent his time in vain; he desired to e honourably; so would beacpanied by one hundred horsemen; his friends and retainers; and heentreated Giovanni to arrange that he should be received honourably bythe citizens of Fermo; all of which would be not only to his honour; butalso to that of Giovanni himself; who had brought him up。Giovanni; therefore; did not fail in any attentions due to his nephew;and he caused him to be honourably received by the Fermans; and helodged him in his own house; where; having passed some days; and havingarranged what was necessary for his wicked designs; Oliverotto gave asolemn banquet to which he invited Giovanni Fogliani and the chiefs ofFermo。 When the viands and all the other entertainments that are usualin such banquets were finished; Oliverotto artfully began certain gravediscourses; speaking of the greatness of Pope Alexander and his sonCesare; and of their enterprises; to which discourse Giovanni and othersanswered; but he rose at once; saying that