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hoice; and itwas the cause of his ultimate ruin。1。 Julius II had been Cardinal of San Pietro ad Vincula; San Giorgio wasRaffaells Riaxis; and Ascanio was Cardinal Ascanio Sforza。CHAPTER VIIICONCERNING THOSE WHO HAVE OBTAINED A PRINCIPALITY BY WICKEDNESSALTHOUGH a prince may rise from a private station in two ways; neitherof which can be entirely attributed to fortune or genius; yet it ismanifest to me that I must not be silent on them; although one could bemore copiously treated when I discuss republics。 These methods are when;either by some wicked or nefarious ways; one ascends to theprincipality; or when by the favour of his fellow…citizens a privateperson bees the prince of his country。 And speaking of the firstmethod; it will be illustrated by two examples …… one ancient; the othermodern …… and without entering further into the subject; I considerthese two examples will suffice those who may be pelled to followthem。Agathocles; the Sicilian; became King of Syracuse not only from aprivate but from a low and abject position。 This man; the son of apotter; through all the changes in his fortunes always led an infamouslife。 Nevertheless; he acpanied his infamies with so much ability ofmind and body that; having devoted himself to the military profession;he rose through its ranks to be Praetor of Syracuse。 Being establishedin that position; and having deliberately resolved to make himselfprince and to seize by violence; without obligation to others; thatwhich had been conceded to him by assent; he came to an understandingfor this purpose with Hamilcar; the Carthaginian; who; with his army;was fighting in Sicily。 One morning he assembled the people and senateof Syracuse; as if he had to discuss with them things relating to theRepublic; and at a given signal the soldiers kil