第3部分 (第3/7頁)
But inrepublics there is more vitality; greater hatred; and more desire forvengeance; which will never permit them to allow the memory of theirformer liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or toreside there。CHAPTER VICONCERNING NEW PRINCIPALITIES WHICH ARE ACQUIRED BY ONE'S OWN ARMS ANDABILITYLET no one be surprised if; in speaking of entirely new principalitiesas I shall do; I adduce the highest examples both of prince and ofstate; because men; walking almost always in paths beaten by others; andfollowing by imitation their deeds; are yet unable to keep entirely tothe ways of others or attain to the power of those they imitate。 A wiseman ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men; and to imitatethose who have been supreme; so that if his ability does not equaltheirs; at least it will savour of it。 Let him act like the cleverarchers who; designing to hit the mark which yet appears too fardistant; and knowing the limits to which the strength of their bowattains; take aim much higher than the mark; not to reach by theirstrength or arrow to so great a height; but to be able with the aid ofso high an aim to hit the mark they wish to reach。I say; therefore; that in entirely new principalities; where there is anew prince; more or less difficulty is found in keeping them;accordingly as there is more or less ability in him who has acquired thestate。 Now; as the fact of being a prince from a private stationpresupposes either ability or fortune; it is clear that one or other ofthese two things will mitigate in some degree many difficulties。Nevertheless; he who has relied least on fortune is established thestrongest。 Further; it facilitates matters when the prince; having noother state; is pelled to reside there in person。But to e to those who; by the