第4部分 (第6/7頁)
n; heintended to bee master of Tuscany; for he already possessed Perugiaand Piombino; and Pisa was under his protection。 And as he had no longerto study France (for the French were already driven out of the kingdomof Naples by the Spaniards; and in this way both were pelled to buyhis goodwill); he pounced down upon Pisa。 After this; Lucca and Sienayielded at once; partly through hatred and partly through fear of theFlorentines; and the Florentines would have had no remedy had hecontinued to prosper; as he was prospering the year that Alexander died;for he had acquired so much power and reputation that he would havestood by himself; and no longer have depended on the luck and the forcesof others; but solely on his own power and ability。But Alexander died five years after he had first drawn the sword。 Heleft the duke with the state of Romagna alone consolidated; with therest in the air; between two most powerful hostile armies; and sick untodeath。 Yet there were in the duke such boldness and ability; and he knewso well how men are to be won or lost; and so firm were the foundationswhich in so short a time he had laid; that if he had not had thosearmies on his back; or if he had been in good health; he would haveovere all difficulties。 And it is seen that his foundations weregood; for the Romagna awaited him for more than a month。 In Rome;although but half alive; he remained secure; and whilst the Baglioni;the Vitelli; and the Orsini might e to Rome; they could not effectanything against him。 If he could not have made Pope him whom he wished;at least the one whom he did not wish would not have been elected。 Butif he had been in sound health at the death of Alexander; everythingwould have been easy to him。 On the day that Julius II was elected; hetold me that he had thought