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nds of attention; giving him money; apparel; andhorses …… the Orsini were reconciled; so that their simplicity broughtthem into his power at Sinigaglia。 Having exterminated the leaders; andturned their partisans into his friends; the duke had laid sufficientlygood foundations to his power; having all the Romagna and the duchy ofUrbino; and the people now beginning to appreciate their prosperity; hegained them all over to himself。 And as this point is worthy of notice;and to be imitated by others; I am not willing to leave it out。When the duke occupied the Romagna he found it under the rule of weakmasters; who rather plundered their subjects than ruled them; and gavethem more cause for disunion than for union; so that the country wasfull of robbery; quarrels; and every kind of violence; and so; wishingto bring back peace and obedience to authority; he considered itnecessary to give it a good governor。 Thereupon he promoted MesserRamiro d'Orco 'de Lorqua'; a swift and cruel man; to whom he gave thefullest power。 This man in a short time restored peace and unity withthe greatest success。 Afterwards the duke considered that it was notadvisable to confer such excessive authority; for he had no doubt butthat he would bee odious; so he set up a court of judgment in thecountry; under a most excellent president; wherein all cities had theiradvocates。 And because he knew that the past severity had caused somehatred against himself; so; to clear himself in the minds of the people;and gain them entirely to himself; he desired to show that; if anycruelty had been practised; it had not originated with him; but in thenatural sternness of the minister。 Under this pretence he took Ramiro;and one morning caused him to be executed and left on the piazza atCesena with the block and a blood