第3部分 (第5/7頁)
agreeing; marrying;
building; destroying? Its sacredness is in the law that no sacrifice is
valid unless the sacrificer lay his hand upon the head of the victim。
The congregation lay their hands on the heads of those who are sentenced
to death。 How terrible the dumb condemnation of their hands must be to
the condemned! When Moses builds the altar on Mount Sinai; he is
manded to use no tool; but rear it with his own hands。 Earth; sea;
sky; man; and all lower animals are holy unto the Lord because he has
formed them with his hand。 When the Psalmist considers the heavens and
the earth; he exclaims: 〃What is man; O Lord; that thou art mindful of
him? For thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy
hands。〃 The supplicating gesture of the hand always acpanies the
spoken prayer; and with clean hands goes the pure heart。
Christ forted and blessed and healed and wrought many miracles with
his hands。 He touched the eyes of the blind; and they were opened。 When
Jairus sought him; overwhelmed with grief; Jesus went and laid his hands
on the ruler's daughter; and she awoke from the sleep of death to her
father's love。 You also remember how he healed the crooked woman。 He
said to her; 〃Woman; thou art loosed from thine infirmity;〃 and he laid
his hands on her; and immediately she was made straight; and she
glorified God。
Look where we will; we find the hand in time and history; working;
building; inventing; bringing civilization out of barbarism。 The hand
symbolizes power and the excellence of work。 The mechanic's hand; that
minister of elemental forces; the hand that hews; saws; cuts; builds; is