第3部分 (第2/7頁)
ctly the definition fits my case in both senses of the word
〃apprehend〃! With my hand I seize and hold all that I find in the three
worlds……physical; intellectual; and spiritual。
Think how man has regarded the world in terms of the hand。 All life is
divided between what lies _on one hand_ and on the other。 The products
of skill are _manu_factures。 The conduct of affairs is _man_agement。
History seems to be the record……alas for our chronicles of war!……of the
_man_oeuvres of armies。 But the history of peace; too; the narrative of
labour in the field; the forest; and the vineyard; is written in the
victorious sign _manual_……the sign of the hand that has conquered the
wilderness。 The labourer himself is called a _hand_。 In _man_acle and
_manu_mission we read the story of human slavery and freedom。
The minor idioms are myriad; but I will not recall too many; lest you
cry; 〃Hands off!〃 I cannot desist; however; from this word…game until I
have set down a few。 Whatever is not one's own by first possession is
_second…hand_。 That is what I am told my knowledge is。 But my
well…meaning friends e to my defence; and; not content with endowing
me with natural _first…hand_ knowledge which is rightfully mine; ascribe
to me a preternatural sixth sense and credit to miracles and heaven…sent
pensations all that I have won and discovered with my good right
hand。 And with my left hand too; for with that I read; and it is as true
and honourable as the other。 By what half…development of human power has
the left hand been neglected? When we arrive at the acme of civilization
shall we not all be ambidextrous; and in our _hand…to…hand_ c