第1部分 (第6/7頁)
I have something to do
that must not be set aside; I feel as if I were going forward in a
straight line; bound to arrive somewhere; or go on forever without
swerving to the right or to the left。
That is what it means。 To escape this moralizing you should ask; 〃How
does the straight line feel?〃 It feels; as I suppose it looks;
straight……a dull thought drawn out endlessly。 Eloquence to the touch
resides not in straight lines; but in unstraight lines; or in many
curved and straight lines together。 They appear and disappear; are now
deep; now shallow; now broken off or lengthened or swelling。 They rise
and sink beneath my fingers; they are full of sudden starts and pauses;
and their variety is inexhaustible and wonderful。 So you see I am not
shut out from the region of the beautiful; though my hand cannot
perceive the brilliant colours in the sunset or on the mountain; or
reach into the blue depths of the sky。
Physics tells me that I am well off in a world which; I am told; knows
neither cold nor sound; but is made in terms of size; shape; and
inherent qualities; for at least every object appears to my fingers
standing solidly right side up; and is not an inverted image on the
retina which; I understand; your brain is at infinite though unconscious
labour to set back on its feet。 A tangible object passes plete into
my brain with the warmth of life upon it; and occupies the same place
that it does in space; for; without egotism; the mind is as large as the
universe。 When I think of hills; I think of the upward strength I tread
upon。 When water is the object of my thought; I feel the cool shock of
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