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the floor; and a repetition of all the gleam and shadowof the picture; with one remove farther from the actual; and nearer tothe imaginative。 Then; at such an hour; and with this scene beforehim; if a man; sitting all alone; cannot dream strange things; andmake them look like truth; he need never try to write romances。 But; for myself; during the whole of my Custom…House experience;moonlight and sunshine; and the glow of firelight; were just alikein my regard; and neither of them was of one whit more avail thanthe twinkle of a tallow…candle。 An entire class of susceptibilities;and a gift connected with them… of no great richness or value; but thebest I had… was gone from me。 It is my belief; however; that; had I attempted a different order ofposition; my faculties would not have been found so pointless andinefficacious。 I might; for instance; have contented myself withwriting out the narratives of a veteran shipmaster; one of theInspectors; whom I should be most ungrateful not to mention; sincescarcely a day passed that he did not stir me to laughter andadmiration by his marvellous gifts as a story…teller。 Could I havepreserved the picturesque force of his style; and the humorouscolouring which nature taught him how to throw over hisdescriptions; the result; I honestly believe; would have beensomething new in literature。 Or I might readily have found a moreserious task。 It was a folly; with the materiality of this dailylife pressing so intrusively upon me; to attempt to fling myselfback into another age; or to insist on creating the semblance of aworld out of airy matter; when; at every moment; the impalpable beautyof my soap…bubble was broken by the rude contact of some actualcircumstance。 The wiser effort would have been; to diffuse thought andimagination throug