第21部分 (第1/7頁)
articles of church…discipline。 Doomed by his own choice; therefore; asMr。 Dimmesdale so evidently was; to eat his unsavoury morsel always atanother's board; and endure the lifelong chill which must be his lotwho seeks to warm himself only at another's fireside; it trulyseemed that this sagacious; experienced; benevolent old physician;with his concord of paternal and reverential love for the youngpastor; was the very man; of all mankind; to be constantly withinreach of his voice。 The new abode of the two friends was with a pious widow; of goodsocial rank; who dwelt in a house covering pretty nearly the site onwhich the venerable structure of King's Chapel has since been built。It had the graveyard; originally Isaac Johnson's home…field; on oneside; and so was well adapted to call up serious reflections; suitedto their respective employments; in both minister and man of physic。The motherly care of the good widow assigned to Mr。 Dimmesdale a frontapartment; with a sunny exposure; and heavy window…curtains; to createa noon…tide shadow; when desirable。 The walls were hung round withtapestry; said to be from the Gobelin looms; and; at all events;representing the Scriptural story of David and Bathsheba; and Nathanthe Prophet; in colours still unfaded; but which made the fair womanof the scene almost as grimly picturesque as the woe…denouncingseer。 Here; the pale clergyman piled up his library; rich withparchment…bound folios of the Fathers; and the lore of Rabbis; andmonkish erudition; of which the Protestant divines; even while theyvilified and decried that class of writers; were yet constrained oftento avail themselves。 On the other side of the house; old RogerChillingworth arranged his study and laboratory; not such as amodern man of science would reckon even tolerably