第8部分 (第1/7頁)
〃No 。。。 Yes 。。。 I don't know;〃 she finally ended in a whisper; tugging
at the towel draped about her neck。 〃I can't give you a simple yes or
no。 I've never regretted the act itself It was beautiful。〃
〃Then what is it about me that makes you so unfortable?〃
The ensuing silence was rich with the sounds of the shore…the lapping of
the waves; the cry of the gulls; the rustle of the breeze in the drying
leaves of the wild honeysuckle。 Each had the potential to soothe; yet
Chloe remained tense。
〃Seeing you;〃 she finally confessed; 〃brings back memories of a holiday
weekend that was tragic for me。〃
〃Your sister's death。〃
Her eyes shot to his。 〃You knew?〃 And hadn't tried to contact her?
The dark sheen of his hair captured the golden rays of the slow…setting
sun。 〃Yes; I knew; but not until long after I'd returned to Africa。 I
didn't feel then that it was my place to contact you。〃
〃Why not?〃 She didn't understand that detachment。 He was certainly
persistent enough now。
〃In the first place;〃 he began; 〃it was pitiful; how long after the fact
I learned of it。 Sammy wrote me the news in a letter the following
He seemed to hesitate。 More quietly; he said; 〃It was only then that I'd
had the guts to ask him about you。〃
〃But why?〃 she cried。
〃Because you weren't the only one to have afterthoughts of that night!
From what I could see I had seduced the virgin daughter of my host's
best friend。 I was twenty…seven。 You were eighteen。 I should have known
better。 But the worst of it was that I was glad I hadn't。〃 His voice
gentled。 〃The memory of that night helped me through many a lonely nig