第7部分 (第1/7頁)
ometimes found amongst the rock; it would soon have been empty; and the phenomenon have ceased。 But far from that。 According to Simon Ford; the fire…damp escaped incessantly; and from that fact the existence of an important vein might be considered certain。 Consequently; the riches of the Dochart pit were not entirely exhausted。 The chief question now was; whether this was merely a vein which would yield paratively little; or a bed occupying a large extent。
Harry; who preceded his father and the engineer; stopped。
〃Here we are!〃 exclaimed the old miner。 〃At last; thank Heaven! you are here; Mr。 Starr; and we shall soon know。〃 The old overman's voice trembled slightly。
〃Be calm; my man!〃 said the engineer。 〃I am as excited as you are; but we must not lose time。〃
The gallery at this end of the pit widened into a sort of dark cave。 No shaft had been pierced in this part; and the gallery; bored into the bowels of the earth; had no direct munication with the surface of the earth。
James Starr; with intense interest; examined the place in which they were standing。 On the walls of the cavern the marks of the pick could still be seen; and even holes in which the rock had been blasted; near the termination of the working。 The schist was excessively hard; and it had not been necessary to bank up the end of the tunnel where the works had e to an end。 There the vein had failed; between the schist and the tertiary sandstone。 From this very place had been extracted the last piece of coal from the Dochart pit。
〃We must attack the dyke;〃 said Ford; raising his pick; 〃for at the other side of the break; at more or less depth; we shall assuredly find the vein; the existence of which I assert。〃
〃And was it on the surface of these roc