第9部分 (第1/7頁)
〃Superb! Mr。 Starr; superb!〃 answered Ford; 〃just look at it yourself!〃
And so saying; with his pick he struck off a fragment of the black rock。
〃Look! look!〃 he repeated; holding it close to his lamp; 〃the surface of this piece of coal is shining! We have here fat coal; rich in bituminous matter; and see how it es in pieces; almost without dust! Ah; Mr。 Starr! twenty years ago this seam would have entered into a strong petition with Swansea and Cardiff! Well; stokers will quarrel for it still; and if it costs little to extract it from the mine; it will not sell at a less price outside。〃
〃Indeed;〃 said Madge; who had taken the fragment of coal and was examining it with the air of a connoisseur; 〃that's good quality of coal。 Carry it home; Simon; carry it back to the cottage! I want this first piece of coal to burn under our kettle。〃
〃Well said; wife!〃 answered the old overman; 〃and you shall see that I am not mistaken。〃
〃Mr。 Starr;〃 asked Harry; 〃have you any idea of the probable direction of this long passage which we have been following since our entrance into the new mine?〃
〃No; my lad;〃 replied the engineer; 〃with a pass I could perhaps find out its general bearing; but without a pass I am here like a sailor in open sea; in the midst of fogs; when there is no sun by which to calculate his position。〃
〃No doubt; Mr。 Starr;〃 replied Ford; 〃but pray don't pare our position with that of the sailor; who has everywhere and always an abyss under his feet! We are on firm ground here; and need never be afraid of foundering。〃
〃I won't tease you; then; old Simon;〃 answered James Starr。 〃Far be it from me even in jest to depreciate the New Aberfoyle mine by an unjust parison! I only meant to say one thing; and t