第57部分 (第1/7頁)
it represented; grinning a wele across the patio。 Now by some strange chance from that moment forward; as Mrs。 Jebb tells; everything went wrong with her husband’s affairs。 His health broke; panies with which he was connected collapsed; mines proved unpayable; and; lastly; he sold a reversionary interest in a considerable sum for a third of its value on the very day before the life…tenant died! Such were some; but by no means all; of the catastrophes that overwhelmed him; which cause one to wonder for what exact reason the finder had parted gratis with this peculiar treasure for which shortly before he had refused good gold。
One of the places in which we stayed in Mexico was a huge hacienda situated by a lake。 This vast house had once been a monastery; and the great chamber in which we slept was still hung round with the portraits of ill…favoured abbots。 A feature of the house consisted of its almost endless cemented roofs; on which we used to walk。 It was tenanted by the two bachelor stewards of the great estate; who kept mastiff dogs to guard them at night; friendly creatures enough when once mutual confidence had been established。 Altogether that hacienda was not a cheerful residence to my mind; although the wild…fowl shooting on the lake was excellent and the farming operations that were carried on interested me much。
Shortly after the receipt of the desolating news of which I have written; in order to try to occupy our minds we made an expedition to a place called Pinal among the mountains; where; with Mr。 Jebb; we were the guests of a gentleman named Stockdale who had charge of a silver mine in which Jebb was interested。 It was a spot of extraordinary loveliness; with its deep valleys and pine…clad heights; but the journey there on horseback was