第72部分 (第1/7頁)
eon he said in a careless voice; “If you like them; take them away。 I don’t care for them。”
I was greatly tempted; but in all the circumstances did not feel justified in accepting this liberal offer。
But I must not continue the record of such reminiscences of our journeyings; since of these truly there is no end。
In the year 1903; which I spent at home; I wrote another work of a rural character; called “A Gardener’s Year。” This first appeared serially in the Queen; and was afterwards brought out in a handsome volume of nearly four hundred pages by Messrs。 Longman。 It went through two editions and gave pleasure to a good many people。
Also I wrote a romance of chivalry called “The Brethren;” of which the scene is laid in the Holy Land in the time of the Crusaders。 Personally it is a favourite with me; but my historical tales have never been quite so popular as are those which deal with African adventure。
Chapter 19 PSYCHICAL
With eldest daughter to Egypt — Return by Italy and Spain — Abu Simbel with Carter — Bee’s nest 2000 years old — “The Way of the Spirit” — Dedicated to Kipling — Death of H。 R。 H。‘s retriever Bob — Appears to him in dream — Report published in Journal of Society for Psychical Research — Lasting effect on H。 R。 H。‘s mind — More dream…pictures — Sir Oliver Lodge。
Early in 1904 I took my daughter Angela on a trip to Egypt; returning by way of Italy and Spain。 We went out on one of the new P。 & O。 boats which was making her maiden voyage; and experienced the most awful weather。 We began by grounding in the Thames and; after a short stop to bury a Lascar overboard — who; poor fellow; had died of the cold — ran into a terrific gale in the Channel。 The wind…gauges registered its pace at about eighty miles