

imbed aboard the carts and headed back to camp。

Chen Zhen felt the sweat on his body chilling。 He could not stop shivering。 Everywhere—on the lake and off; on the ridges and the paths through the snow—the humans had left their imprint: bonfire ashes; cigarette butts; and liquor bottles; plus tire ruts all the way back to camp。 Chen kneed his horse to ride up to Bilgee。 “Papa; this time the wolves lost。 Will they seek revenge? You’re always saying they have long memories。 They remember their food and their fights—how about their enemies?”

“We dug out a lot of gazelles; but left more than half the number for the wolves。 Next spring the wolves will feast on frozen gazelle and won’t stick around to trouble us。 Besides; they did us a favor; so we should leave them something。 Don’t worry; the wolf leader knows what to do。”

A blizzard swept the area that night; and the students’ yurt sweltered。 Chen Zhen put away his copy of The Secret History of the Mongols and said to Yang Ke; “The man Bilgee mentioned; the one who picked over the food left by the wolves was Budoncher; Genghis Khan’s great— great… grandfather’s great… great… grandfather。 Genghis Khan’s family was part of the Borjigin tribe; whose historical founder was Budoncher。 Subsequent generations would witness monumental changes。”

“That must mean that if there’d been no wolves; those great war counselors and leaders; there’d have been no Genghis Khan; no golden tribe; and of course no wise and brave Mongol fighting horsemen;” Yang said。 “Wolves have certainly played a prominent role in the his—tory of the Mongol people。”

“Why stop there? They’ve played a prominent role in the lives of the Chinese; in the lives of all the world’s people。 The arrival of Genghis Khan and his Mongol

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