

 quite warm and it was like spring。 We wished we were back in the mountains but the spring weather lasted only a few days and then the cold rawness of the breaking…up of winter came again。

Catherine bought the things she needed for the baby; up in the town。 I went to a gymnasium in the arcade to box for exercise。 I usually went up there in the morning while Catherine stayed late in bed。 On the days of false spring it was very nice; after boxing and taking a shower; to walk along the streets smelling the spring in the air and stop at a caf?to sit and watch the people and read the paper and drink a vermouth; then go down to the hotel and have lunch with Catherine。 The professor at the boxing gymnasium wore mustaches and was very precise and jerky and went all to pieces if you started after him。 But it was pleasant in the gym。 There was good air and light and I worked quite hard; skipping rope; shadowboxing; doing abdominal exercises lying on the floor in a patch of sunlight that came through the open window; and occasionally scaring the professor when we boxed。 I could not shadow…box in front of the narrow long mirror at first because it looked so strange to see a man with a beard boxing。 But finally I just thought it was funny。 I wanted to take off the beard as soon as I started boxing but Catherine did not want me to。

Sometimes Catherine and I went for rides out in the country in a carriage。 It was nice to ride when the days were pleasant and we found two good places where we could ride out to eat。 Catherine could not walk very far now and I loved to ride out along the country roads with her。 When there was a good day we had a splendid time and we never had a bad time。 We knew the baby was very close now and it gave us both a feeling as though something we

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【晚上零點準時更新,v後日萬】【預收《靈氣復甦後我成了萬人迷》求收藏呀】時闕作為世界上的最後一隻惡魔,為了生存經營著一家收取對應代價後可以實現願望的店鋪某天,店裡闖入一個瀕死的奇怪人類時闕笑著歡迎:“請問客人想要購買什麼商品?” 客人帶著強烈渴望,慌張地說:“我想買命……” “付出任何代價都可以!”“求您了,讓我活著離開無限世界吧。” 時闕笑得狡詐:“可以,交易成立。”至此,在無限世界的中央大街
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