

e plete marble quality of all looking alike。 Sculpture had always seemed a dull business……still; bronzes looked like something。 But marble busts all looked like a cemetery。 There was one fine cemetery though……the one at Pisa。 Genoa was the place to see the bad marbles。 This had been the villa of a very wealthy German and the busts must have cost him plenty。 I wondered who had done them and how much he got。 I tried to make out whether they were members of the family or what; but they were all uniformly classical。 You could not tell anything about them。

I sat on a chair and held my cap。 We were supposed to wear steel helmets even in Gorizia but they were unfortable and too bloody theatrical in a town where the civilian inhabitants had not been evacuated。 I wore one when we went up to the posts and carried an English gas mask。 We were just beginning to get some of them。 They were a real mask。 Also we were required to wear an automatic pistol; even doctors and sanitary officers。 I felt it against the back of the chair。 You were liable to arrest if you did not have one worn in plain sight。 Rinaldi carried a holster stuffed with toilet paper。 I wore a real one and felt like a gunman until I practised firing it。 It was an Astra 7。65 caliber with a short barrel and it jumped so sharply when you let it off that there was no question of hitting anything。 I practised with it; holding below the target and trying to master the jerk of the ridiculous short barrel until I could hit within a yard of where I aimed at twenty paces and then the ridiculousness of carrying a pistol at all came over me and I soon forgot it and carried it flopping against the small of my back with no feeling at all except a vague sort of shame when I met English…speaking people。 I sat now in the chair 

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【晚上零點準時更新,v後日萬】【預收《靈氣復甦後我成了萬人迷》求收藏呀】時闕作為世界上的最後一隻惡魔,為了生存經營著一家收取對應代價後可以實現願望的店鋪某天,店裡闖入一個瀕死的奇怪人類時闕笑著歡迎:“請問客人想要購買什麼商品?” 客人帶著強烈渴望,慌張地說:“我想買命……” “付出任何代價都可以!”“求您了,讓我活著離開無限世界吧。” 時闕笑得狡詐:“可以,交易成立。”至此,在無限世界的中央大街
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