

〃We're almost up。〃

〃He's dead I think;〃 I said。

The drops fell very slowly; as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone。 It was cold in the car in the night as the road climbed。 At the post on the top they took the stretcher out and put another in and we went on。


In the ward at the field hospital they told me a visitor was ing to see me in the afternoon。 It was a hot day and there were many flies in the room。 My orderly had cut paper into strips and tied the strips to a stick to make a brush that swished the flies away。 I watched them settle on the ceiling。 When he stopped swishing and fell asleep they came down and I blew them away and finally covered my face with my hands and slept too。 It was very hot and when I woke my legs itched。 I waked the orderly and he poured mineral water on the dressings。 That made the bed damp and cool。 Those of us that were awake talked across the ward。 The afternoon was a quiet time。 In the morning they came to each bed in turn; three men nurses and a doctor and picked you up out of bed and carried you into the dressing room so that the beds could be made while we were having our wounds dressed。 It was not a pleasant trip to the dressing room and I did not know until later that beds could be made with men in them。 My orderly had finished pouring water and the bed felt cool and lovely and I was telling him where to scratch on the soles of my feet against the itching when one of the doctors brought in Rinaldi。 He came in very fast and bent down over the bed and kissed me。 I saw he wore gloves。

〃How are you; baby? How do you feel? I bring you this……〃 It was a bottle of cognac。 The orderly brought a chair and he sat down; 〃and good news。 You will be decorated。 They want to get you the medaglia 

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【晚上零點準時更新,v後日萬】【預收《靈氣復甦後我成了萬人迷》求收藏呀】時闕作為世界上的最後一隻惡魔,為了生存經營著一家收取對應代價後可以實現願望的店鋪某天,店裡闖入一個瀕死的奇怪人類時闕笑著歡迎:“請問客人想要購買什麼商品?” 客人帶著強烈渴望,慌張地說:“我想買命……” “付出任何代價都可以!”“求您了,讓我活著離開無限世界吧。” 時闕笑得狡詐:“可以,交易成立。”至此,在無限世界的中央大街
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重生之趙小涵向前衝 3

重生之趙小涵向前衝 3

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