

The wind rose in the night and at three o'clock in the morning with the rain ing in sheets there was a bombardment and the Croatians came over across the mountain meadows and through patches of woods and into the front line。 They fought in the dark in the rain and a counter…attack of scared men from the second line drove them back。 There was much shelling and many rockets in the rain and machine…gun and rifle fire all along the line。 They did not e again and it was quieter and between the gusts of wind and rain we could hear the sound of a great bombardment far to the north。

The wounded were ing into the post; some were carried on stretchers; some walking and some were brought on the backs of men that came across the field。 They were wet to the skin and all were scared。 We filled two cars with stretcher cases as they came up from the cellar of the post and as I shut the door of the second car and fastened it I felt the rain on my face turn to snow。 The flakes were ing heavy and fast in the rain。

When daylight came the storm was still blowing but the snow had stopped。 It had melted as it fell on the wet ground and now it was raining again。 There was another attack just after daylight but it was unsuccessful。 We expected an attack all day but it did not e until the sun was going down。 The bombardment started to the south below the long wooded ridge where the Austrian guns were concentrated。 We expected a bombardment but it did not e。 It was getting dark。 Guns were firing from the field behind the village and the shells; going away; had a fortable sound。

We heard that the attack to the south had been unsuccessful。 They did not attack that night but we heard that they had broken through to the north。 In the night word came that we were to prepare to

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【晚上零點準時更新,v後日萬】【預收《靈氣復甦後我成了萬人迷》求收藏呀】時闕作為世界上的最後一隻惡魔,為了生存經營著一家收取對應代價後可以實現願望的店鋪某天,店裡闖入一個瀕死的奇怪人類時闕笑著歡迎:“請問客人想要購買什麼商品?” 客人帶著強烈渴望,慌張地說:“我想買命……” “付出任何代價都可以!”“求您了,讓我活著離開無限世界吧。” 時闕笑得狡詐:“可以,交易成立。”至此,在無限世界的中央大街
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