third party; fire and theft insurance 第三者火災與盜竊保險
time deposit 定期存款
time draft 期付匯票
time policy 時限保單
trade association 商會
trade barrier 貿易障礙;貿易壁壘
trade credit (1)貿易賒帳,(2)商業信用
Trade Department 貿易署
Trade Descriptions Ordinance 商品說明條例
trade discount 交易折扣;營業折扣
trade mark 商標
trade mission 貿易團;貿易代表團
trade name (1)商號,(2)商品名稱
trade promotion 貿易促進;商業促進
trade restriction 貿易限制
trade union 工會;職工會
traders' credit 商人放帳額;同行放帳
trading account 購銷帳
trading and profit and loss account 購銷損益帳
trading capital 營運資金
trading partner 貿易伙伴
tramp steamer 不定期貨船
transaction 交易事項
transportation system 運輸系統
Travel Agents Ordinance 旅行代理商條例
traveller's cheque 旅行支票
trust deed 信託契據
trust fund 信託基金
trust rerceipt 信託收條
trustee 信託人;受託人
turn…around time 運轉時間;週轉期
turnover 營業額;銷售量
unavoidable risk 無法避免之風險
uncalled capital 末催繳股本
undertaking (1)企業,(2)承擔
underwriter 承保人;包銷人
underwriting 包銷
underwriting contract 承保合約
undistributed profit 未分派之盈利;未分派利潤
unfair trade practice 不公平貿易手段
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 聯合國貿易及發展會議
unlimited pany 無限公司
unlimited liability 無限責任
unlisted security 未上市證券
unpresented cheque 末兌現支票
unsecured loan 無擔保貸款;信用貸款
utmost good faith 具最高誠意絕對真確
vending machine 自動售賣機
vertical integration 縱面結合;垂直合併
viewdata system 資料傳視系統
visible balance 有形貿易差額
visible trade 有形貿易
voucher 傳票;憑單
voyage policy 航程保單
warehouse 倉庫;貨倉
warehouse warrant 倉單
warrant 認股權證